Gen-E 2024

“Smartway” from Vilnius Gediminas Technical Engineering Lyceum Will Represent JA Lithuania at Gen-E !

On May 17th Lithuania had selected the best student company of the year.

Out of the 55 best student companies from all around the country, and at least four strong leading student companies, “Smartway” from Vilnius Gediminas Technical Engineering Lyceum was announced the winner of the first place.

The company, created by 5 boys, had constructed a CO2 detector, which measures CO2 concentration in the classroom.

They also created an app that could show the change in CO2 concentration throughout the day.

They got an idea of this product after noticing how sleepy they and their classmates get after a few lessons, how it feels that the room lacks air, and this results in the loss of concentration.

The company had a wish to go into the market with this device and managed to sell the first one the night before the National Student Companies eXpo.

In this event, the business committee had a hard time choosing the winner, because four strong leaders were collecting the highest scores: “MIGO” platform that allows people to find rising unknown Lithuanian musicians, “GOSS” company, creating original tracks for companies, using AI and lyophilized cold beetroot soup (Lithuanian national dish), created by “Frostiq” which could be prepared anywhere only with water and stored for long periods.

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